Contact Me

Feel free to drop me a line! I'm always happy to chat about making music, games, web dev ... and, of course, anything to do with SNES!

I may not respond right away, but rest assured, I'll listen to whatever you have to say.

You can also DM me:

Thank You

Yes, I'm talking to YOU, the person reading this! Thanks for checking out my creations. It means a lot to me! They can't do much good without an audience.

I'm tremendously grateful for the modest fan base that has followed me so far, and I will continue to do whatever I can to give back to all of you in creative ways.

You have helped fulfill a childhood dream, and all of your comments and support continue to lift me up, and further inspire me in this great passion of mine. Thank you. :)

Cosmo Break
Squire Games

©2021 Seven Silhouettes Enterprises